Monuments of Renaissance Music

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Monuments of Renaissance Music is an edition series of musical works originally published by Edward E. Lowinsky . It has been published by the University of Chicago Press since 1964 in Chicago . The first volume is the compilation Musica nova ( Venice 1540) with works by Julio da Modena [d. i. Giulio Segni], Adrian Willaert , Hieronimo Parabosco , Nicolo Benoist , Giulemo Golin and Hieronimo (Cavazzoni) da Bologna .

Contents overview

  • 1. Musica nova  : accommodata per cantar et sonar sopra organi; et altri strumenti, composita per diversi eccellentissimi musici; in Venetia, MDXL (web)
  • 2. Canti B: numero cinquanta, Venice, 1502
  • 3rd to 5th The Medici codex of 1518
  • 6. Musica duorum
  • 7. A Florentine chansonnier from the time of Lorenzo the Magnificent
  • 8. The Motet books of Andrea Antico
  • 9. A New-World collection of polyphony for Holy Week and the Salve service
  • 10. The madrigals of Michelangelo Rossi
  • 11. Motetti de Passione, de Cruce, de Sacramento, de Beata Virgine et Huiusmodi B.
  • 12. Sacred music from the Cathedral at Trent: Trent, Museo provinciale d'arte, codex 1375 (olim 88)

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