Moses Bar-Kepha

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Mose bar-Kepha (* around 833 in Balad , Iraq; † 903 ) was an important theologian of the Syrian Orthodox Church of the 9th century.


Mose bar-Kepha was tutored by Rabban Kyriacus in the monastery of Mar Sargis. In 863 he became bishop of Mosul , Tigris and thus jointly responsible for Beth-Ramman and Beth-Kionaya. At his episcopal ordination he took the name Severus. At times he was a visitor ( periodeutes ) of the "Tagriter", a group that refused to obey the patriarch.

The structure of the prologue of his Hexaemeron Commentary corresponds to the theological sums of the Kalam of the 9th century, more precisely its chapter on the unity of God. These dealt with the eternity of the world , the uniqueness of the Creator, the embassy of Muhammad and the observance of the commandments. Moses bar Kepha, like Abu Mansur al-Maturidi , also precedes an epistemological chapter. Otherwise, Moses bar Kepha draws from the early church commentaries on the Six-Day Work, especially from Basil of Caesarea.

The topic in the introductions to his biblical commentaries is due to the biblical exegesis of the early Church, especially Theodor of Mopsuestias. In the New Testament Bible Exegesis, the great preacher John Chrysostom is the main guarantor.


  • Commentary on the Old and New Testament, received in the manuscript, Johanneskommentar ed. and over. by Lorenz Schlimme 1981; Pauline interpretation ed. and over. by Jobst Reller 1994
  • Treatise on Providence and Free Will, preserved in manuscript ( British Library , Add. 14 731)
  • Commentary on the Hexaemeron , received ( Bibliothèque nationale de France , Syr. 241) and trans. by Lorenz Schlimme 1977
  • Tractatus de Paradiso , Syrian original lost, Latin version ed. by Andreas Masius , Antwerp 1569 ( De Paradiso Commentarius ), abr. in Migne
  • Treatise on the soul , and discussion of the usefulness of prayer and sacrifice for the dead, received (Vatican Library), German transl. O. Braun, Moses Bar-Kepha and his book on the soul , Freiburg 1891
  • Tractatus de sectis or Liber disputationum adversus haereses
  • Commentary on the Eucharistic Liturgy, RH Connolly and HW Codrington, Two commentaries on the Jacobite Liturgy, London 1913, 16–86;
  • Declaration of Baptism: The Baptism Declaration of Moses bar Kepha. For the first time ed. trans. u. ext. by Ludwig Haggenmüller. Vienna, Diss. Phil. (mach.) Vienna 1943; Odo Haggenmüller OSB: Holy Birth of God: an old Syrian treatise on baptism . Beuroner Kunstverlag, Beuron 1947 (only German translation)
  • Explanation of the consecration of Myron : Werner Strothmann (ed.): Moses Bar Kepha. Myron consecration (Göttinger Orientforschungen 1st series: Syriaca, vol. 7). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1973; Baby Varghese (ed.): Moses Bar Kepha. Commentary on Myron . (Texts from Christian Late Antiquity 34). Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ 2014.
  • Church history
  • Homilies
  • Commentary on the writings of Gregor von Nazianz .


  • Jobst Reller: Mose bar Kepha and his Pauline interpretation together with an edition and translation of the commentary on the letter to the Romans (= Göttinger Orientforschung I, 35). Wiesbaden 1994
  • Ulrich Rudolph: Christian Bible Exegesis and Muʿtazilitische Theology: The Fall of Moses bar Kepha (d. 903 AD) . In: Oriens 34: 299-313 (1994)

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ In detail in Rudolph, 1994, 305 ff .; see. also his monograph al-Maturidi and Sunni theology in Samarkand, Leiden: Brill 1997