Muhammad ibn Ismāʿīl

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Muhammad ibn Ismāʿīl ( Arabic محمد بن إسماعيل, DMG Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl ) was a son of Ismāʿīl ibn Jaʿfar , the 6th Imam of the Ismailis (Seventh Shiites). This split-off group of Shiites regards Muhammad ibn Ismail as their hidden seventh imam.

Ismāʿīl ibn Ǧaʿfar died before his father, Jafar as-Sādiq , who is venerated as the 6th imam by the Imamites and the 5th imam by the Ismailis. The followers of Ismāʿīl, the so-called Ismāʿīlites, did not accept the second son, Mūsā al-Kāzim , who was actually designated by the father Jafar , as their imam. According to the Ismailis, Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl, the son of the late Ismāʿīl, was the seventh and last imam.

The mainstream of the Ismāʿīlites formed around this group (see also the list of Imams of the Ismailites ), while the Imamites or Twelve Shiites recognize Ismail's much younger half-brother Mūsā al-Kazim as the seventh imam.


  • Farhad Daftary : Brief History of the Ismailis. Traditions of a Muslim community (= culture, law and politics in Muslim societies. Volume 4). Ergon, Würzburg 2003, ISBN 3-89913-292-0 (English: A Short History of the Ismailis. Translated by Kurt Maier, 2nd edition Cambridge University Press 2007).

See also