Multiaxial pain classification

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The Multiaxial Pain Classification ( MASK ) is a semi-structured classification system for the diagnosis of chronic pain . It was developed as a supplement to the ICD-10 and enables an integrative naming of psychological and somatic factors of pain. It is divided into the following three parts: MASK pain diagnosis, MASK-P (psychosocial dimension) and MASK-S (somatic dimension). The MASK was developed in Germany by the German Society for the Study of Pain (DGSS). It is currently the best available classification system. The system is essentially based on a phenomenological classification, since the pathogenesis of many pain disorders is not fully understood. One advantage is that the system allows only a rough classification at an early stage of classification (initial discussion), which is intended to prevent premature or overdifferentiated classification, which could possibly lead to incorrect diagnostic or therapeutic consequences.

MASK pain diagnosis

The pain diagnosis consists of a five to six digit number. The diagnosis becomes more precise with each digit. A premature or overdifferentiated diagnosis should, however, be avoided and only as many places should be used as it corresponds to the current diagnosis status.


The somatic axis system is divided into the following axes:

  • Localization of pain
  • topography
  • Temporal characteristics
  • Pathogenesis
  • Pain quality
  • Additional neurological findings


MASK-P is divided into different content levels:

  • motor-behavioral pain processing
  • emotional pain processing
  • cognitive pain processing
  • disease-related metacognitions
  • current stressors
  • Trauma / stress in the life story
  • habitual personal characteristics
  • maladaptive stress processing
  • psychophysiological dysregulation
  • Conflict processing style
  • MASK-P diagnoses: functional relationships.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Regine Klinger, Monika Hasenbring, Michael Pfingsten: Multiaxial Pain Classification: Psychosocial Dimension - MASK-P . Springer-Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-662-49474-5 , p. 3 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  2. a b c d e f Helge Beck, Eberhard Kochs, Gunter Hempelmann: Anesthesiology: 429 tables . Georg Thieme Verlag, 2002, ISBN 978-3-13-114881-0 , p. 63–65 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. a b Torsten Wieden: Guide to pain therapy . Elsevier, Urban & FischerVerlag, 2005, ISBN 978-3-437-23170-4 , pp. 45 ( limited preview in Google Book search).