Multiprotocol encapsulation

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The multiprotocol encapsulation (MPE) is an IP -based protocol on the data link layer for MPEG -2 data streams for Digital Video Broadcasting . It was published by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute as EN 301 192.


An MPE packet has a maximum length of 4096 bytes and consists of a section header, the user data (section payload) and the section trailer, in which the information for error detection is embedded. A Reed-Solomon code RS (255,191, t = 32) is used for this.


  • Walter Fischer: Digital television technology in theory and practice. Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-29203-6 .
  • Andreas Aurand: Network protocols in Cisco networks. Addison-Wesley Verlag, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-8273-1619-7 .
  • Muthuthamby Sreetharan, S. Subramaniam: ATM Interworking in Broadband Wireless Applications. Artech House, Boston 2002, ISBN 1-58053-285-3 .
  • Jeff T. Buckwalter: Frame Relay. Addison-Wesley Verlag, Munich 1999, ISBN 0-201-48524-9 .
  • Ulrich Reimers: DVB - digital television technology. 3rd edition, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-43490-0 .

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