Multisession CD

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As a multi-session CD / DVD refers to a CD or DVD , in several sessions (Engl. Session ) was burned. A maximum of 99 sessions are possible per medium.

Since the administration of the sessions requires additional administration data, a multisession CD / DVD effectively holds less data than a single session, i.e. a CD / DVD burned in one go. The first session of a multisession CD / DVD requires around 23 to 24 MB of administrative data, and around 14 to 15 MB for each subsequent session.

Multisession CDs are mainly used for data backups and for the initial installation of PCs, since data can be added and / or changed again and again with such a CD. In contrast to a CD / DVD-RW, however, the space on the CD is not free again after an update and cannot be restored. The entries are only deleted from the ISO 9660 file system on the CD. Some programs allow you to handle a multisession CD in a similar way to writing to a hard disk; you can add and delete data, but the space that has been written to remains occupied even after the deletion and cannot be used again.


Multisession CDs are generally not suitable for use in older “stand-alone” CD and DVD players, as these devices can usually only read the first session. Newer “stand-alone” CD and DVD players as well as PC CD and DVD drives can usually play these data carriers without any problems.


If you write to a CD-R or DVD in several sessions, there is a risk that the entire data carrier can no longer be read , or can only be read by manually mounting an older session.


DVDs are also referred to as multiborder instead of multisession .

Individual evidence

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