NEO (cryptocurrency)

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NEO (cryptocurrency) logo.svg
symbol NEO
Publishing year 2014
developer Da Hongfei
Blockchain Yes
Mining No

NEO is a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency that enables the development of digital assets and intelligent contracts - so-called smart contracts . The project is based in the People's Republic of China and was originally started as AntShares in 2014 . NEO uses a consensus mechanism based on Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) and can process up to 10,000 transactions per second. NEO tokens can be used to generate GAS tokens that are used as a platform resource to pay for the calculation or use of smart contracts within the NEO network. The cryptocurrency developed by Da Hongfei is also called the Ethereum of China because of these properties .

A total of 100 million NEOs were issued via ICO in 2017 . They were created in the Genesis block and distributed according to a distribution mechanism. The smallest unit of the NEO is 1 NEO and cannot be divided. As of January 2018, NEO's market cap was around $ 12 billion and was currently one of the top ten most valuable cryptocurrencies .

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