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Spoken in

Papua New Guinea ( Bougainville Province )
speaker > 20,000 native speakers
Official status
Official language in -
Language codes
ISO 639 -1


ISO 639 -2


ISO 639-3


Naasioi (also Nasioi, Kieta, Kieta Talk, Aunge ) is a group of East Papuan languages ​​spoken in the Kieta and Buin districts of the Bougainville autonomous region of Papua New Guinea .

Individual languages

  • Koromira (1,562 1990 SIL)
  • Lantanai (300 1990 SIL)
  • Naasioi (10,000 1990 SIL)
  • Oune (1,900 1990 SIL)
  • Sibe (5,000 1975 SIL - this language is the only one of those listed here that is not spoken in the Kieta, but in the Buin district)
  • Simeku (1,898 1980 SIL)

Naasioi single language

One of the languages ​​in the group is also called Naasioi. Their distribution area extends from the southeast coast to the mountainous inland. The language is spoken by around 10,000 people as their mother tongue .

Grammar and writing


Portions of the Bible are translated into Naasioi and over fifty percent of native speakers can read and write in their native language.

Web links