After the summer

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After the summer (English original title: Shiver ) is a novel and New York Times bestseller by Maggie Stiefvater , which was first published in October 2009. In September 2010 the German translation by Sandra Knuffinke and Jessika Komina was published by script5 Verlag. The second, third and fourth volumes are called Ruht das Licht (original title: Linger , 2011), In your eyes (original title: Forever , 2012) and Shimmert die Nacht (original title: Sinner , 2015).


The boy Sam lives in the woods of Mercy Falls and turns into a wolf every year when it gets colder. He spends the summers as a person. During the winter he observes Grace, a girl he once saved from the other wolves, his pack, but as a human he does not dare to speak to her. A drive hunt is arranged after the death of a boy who has been attacked by the wolves. Sam is shot and transformed. When Grace finds the boy bleeding on her terrace, she doesn't doubt for a second; these are the eyes of their wolf. The two fall in love, but the final farewell is approaching as winter approaches. And Sam knows: this is his last year in human form. His only option is to get infected with a disease that has two scenarios: survive and remain human or die.


The book After the summer follows the light . In this part, in addition to the narrated chapters from Sam and Grace's point of view, there are also those of Cole, a new wolf that Beck has chosen and transformed as his successor, and of Isabel, who is already known from the first part. Sam has defeated the wolf in himself and now lives a life with Grace. But now it is Grace who is unsure of her future. She gets a high fever, has severe pain, and increasingly frequent nosebleeds. She knows: the pack is calling for her. To make matters worse, Grace's parents begin to resist their relationship with Sam, forbid her interaction and take her cell phone away. Even the new one - Cole - just seems to be causing trouble. He only wants one thing: to be a wolf, to forget who he is, but in spite of everything he does not manage to stay one permanently. Sam is also faced with ever greater problems. Grace gets worse and worse until she starts vomiting her own blood and has to be taken to the hospital. Sam, Cole and Isabel suspect: She will die. To prevent this, Cole thinks about a way out: Grace has to become a wolf again. His plan now is to bite Grace and save her, which Sam is very concerned about. In spite of everything, he agrees.

In the third part In Your Eyes , Sam waits longingly for Grace, who is now a wolf. It's spring and Cole is still experimenting on the subject of "How do you become a wolf, how long is Sam cured and what transforms us?" One day, Cole and Sam save a wolf that has fallen into a clay pit: it's Grace. Sam is overjoyed when she transforms: Now the two are reunited. But luck doesn't last long, because a girl who was killed by wolves is found in the forest. Now Mercy Falls is finally concerned and so a helicopter hunt is set to eradicate the wolves. Sam must do everything possible to save his family. But Cole only comes to one conclusion: the wolves have to be relocated and Sam is the only one who could. With the help of an initiated police officer, they find a suitable piece of forest. Now it's just up to Sam. But he knows he has to pay a high price and become a wolf again. But when the hunt is postponed, Sam has to choose.


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