Demand network

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Demand association is a term from market research . He plays in particular in the trade market research is relevant, as composite relations between goods and services especially in the retail trade there and u their knowledge. a. important for psychotactic pricing and product placement. Basically, the term demand network denotes a relationship between a product or an article and one or more other products or articles, which from the point of view of the supplier is conducive to joint sale and from the point of view of the customer a joint purchase. In trading operations , practically all articles and all services offered are part of a (broad) group, the product range group . A demand association, however, only exists between individual articles. Articles with a network relationship must be determined empirically (for example by means of electronic cash register systems) and checked for the degree of the respective network relationship. The demand network can be subdivided into a period-related demand network , which includes brand loyalty and also supplier loyalty , and a point- in -time demand network .

The time-related demand network can in turn be broken down into:

Original demand group
Only the purchase of two (or more) products or articles enables the consumer to derive a basic benefit from it (for example: pipe and tobacco, digital camera and memory card, game console and console game, etc.). The articles are in a complementary relationship. For example, the sales of item B will decrease if item A is removed from the range.
Derivative needs association
Two (or more) products or articles that are each able to satisfy a basic benefit for themselves, but which together have an additional benefit (for example: cinema and popcorn, tequila and lemon, coffee and cake, etc.).
Purchasing association
A customer wishes to acquire at least two products in one act of purchase.
Purchase association or purchase act association
Simultaneous purchase of several products or articles (even if the explicit request was not previously made!) In one act of purchase (for example: gasoline and chewing gum).