Neck control

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Neck control (1886) Rover III

The neck control is a control with an auxiliary steering tube on bicycles . The auxiliary steering tube, which is firmly attached to the bicycle frame, has bearings at both ends that are mounted on the steering column. The neck control was the usual design in the early days of the low-profile safety wheels (1886) and was replaced by the base control with ball bearings in the mid-1890s.

Web links


  • Max JB Rauck, Gerd Volke, Felix R. Paturi: By bike through two centuries. The bicycle and its history . 4th edition. AT Verlag, Aarau et al. 1988, ISBN 3-85502-038-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Max JB Rauck, p. 119.
  2. bicycles. In: Polytechnisches Journal . 296, 1895, pp. 154-159.