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Nanshan is ambiguous. It denotes:

  • the Nanshan (南山 区) district of the prefecture-level city of Hegang in the Chinese province of Heilongjiang, see Nanshan (Hegang) ;
  • the Nanshan District (南山 区) of the prefecture-level city of Shenzhen in the Chinese province of Guangdong, see Nanshan (Shenzhen) ;
  • Nanshan Town (南山 镇) in Changting County, Fujian Province, China, see Nanshan (Changting) ;
  • Nanshan Town (南山 镇) in Chengbu Autonomous County, Hunan Province, China, see Nanshan (Chengbu) ;
  • Nanshan Town (南山 镇) in Jiexi County, Guangdong Province, China, see Nanshan (Jiexi) ;
  • Nanshan Town (南山 镇), Sanshui Township, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China, see Nanshan (Sanshui) ;
  • Nanshan Town (南山 镇), Yanping Township, Nanping City, Fujian Province, China, see Nanshan (Yanping) ;
  • Nanshan Town (南山 镇) in Xuwen County, Guangdong Province, China, see Nanshan (Xuwen) ;
  • Nanshan Town (南山 镇) in Zhongjiang County, Sichuan Province, China, see Nanshan (Zhongjiang) ;
  • Nanshan Township (南山 乡) in Huarong County, Hunan Province, China, see Nanshan (Huarong) ;
  • Nanshan Township (南山 乡) in Yushan County in Jiangxi Province, China, see Nanshan (Yushan) ;
  • the Nanshan nationality of the Lisu (南山 傈 僳 族 乡) in Dechang County in Sichuan, China, see Nanshan (Dechang) ;
  • the Nanshan (南山 街道) street district of Beipiao City in Liaoning Province, China, see Nanshan (Beipiao) ;
  • the Nanshan (南山 街道) street in the Dong District of Panzhihua in the Chinese province of Sichuan, see Nanshan (Dong) ;
  • Nanshan (南山 街道) Street in Fucheng District, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, China, see Nanshan (Fucheng) ;
  • the Nanshan (南山 街道) street in the Jiguan District of Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province, China, see Nanshan (Jiguan) ;
  • Nanshan (南山 街道) Street District in Lingdong District, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, China, see Nanshan (Lingdong) ;
  • the Nanshan (南山 街道) street in the Nan'an District in the Chinese city of Chongqing, see Nanshan (Nan'an) ;
  • the Nanshan (南山 街道) Street District in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen in the Guangdong Province of China, see Nanshan (Nanshan) ;
  • Nanshan (南山 街道) Street District in Ningguo City, Anhui Province, China, see Nanshan (Ningguo) ;
  • the Nanshan (南山 街道) street in the Pulandian District of Dalian in the Liaoning Province of China, see Nanshan (Pulandian) ;
  • the state tea and fruit plantation of the overseas Chinese Nanshan (南山 华侨 茶 果 场) in Zhangpu County in the Chinese province of Fujian, see Nanshan (Zhangpu) ;
  • Nanshan Village (南山 村) in Yazhou Township, Sanya City, Hainan Province, see Nanshan (Yazhou) ;
  • the mountains in northwest China, see Nan Shan .