Narcissistic Personality Inventory

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The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) is a measuring instrument for narcissism in personality psychology , i.e. for non- pathological , subclinical manifestations.

The NPI was developed by Robert N. Raskin and Calvin S. Hall in 1979 and revised by Raskin and Terry in 1988. It is the most widely used and best validated inventory for the personality construct narcissism.

Content and scope

The NPI comprises 40 items in the frequently used long form (NPI-40) and 15 items in the short form (NPI-15) for self-assessment. Other versions were also used, such as the 54-item version of Emmons developed in 1984, which resulted in a four-factor structure of the construct narcissism. The items are given in forced choice form. The variants by Emmons and Raskin & Terry are only comparable to a limited extent, as the number of items and the methodological background of the factor analysis are different.

Six scales were defined for the established NPI-40, which were determined by factor analysis on the basis of a collection of 200 items:

  1. Leadership personality
  2. Physical vanity
  3. Claim / Dominance
  4. Arrogance / feeling of superiority
  5. Ambition / will to lead
  6. Independence / influence

Psychometric properties

The Narcissistic Personality Inventory was described by Schütz, Marcus and Sellin in their publication "The measurement of narcissism as a personality construct: Psychometric properties of a long and a short form of the German NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory)" as "sufficiently consistent and stable over time" .

Web links


  • Schütz, A., Marcus, B. & Sellin, I. (2004): The measurement of narcissism as a personality construct. Psychometric properties of a long and a short form of the German NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory). Diagnostica, 4, 202-218 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Schütz, A., Marcus, B. & Sellin, I. (2004): The measurement of narcissism as a personality construct. Psychometric properties of a long and a short form of the German NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory). Diagnostica, 4, 202-218 .
  2. Astrit Schütz, Jessica Röhner: Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) , Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie -Website. Retrieved September 15, 2019.