Nardo di Cione

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Paradise fresco in the Strozzi Chapel of Santa Maria Novella , Florence

Nardo (Leonardo) di Cione (* around 1320 in Florence ; † around 1366 there) was an Italian painter and architect of the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance .


The father Nardo di Ciones was a goldsmith in Florence . Three brothers are also known - Andrea di Cione (better known under the name Orcagna ) and Jacopo and Matteo di Cione . Nardo was one of the few artists who survived the great plague epidemic of 1348.


The four brothers probably had a joint workshop and often worked together, so that clear attributions of works ( panel paintings or frescoes ) are difficult. The decoration of the Strozzi Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence is considered to be one of her main works; by Lorenzo Ghiberti (around 1380-1455) some of the frescoes were assigned to Nardo di Cione. Otherwise none of the panel paintings can be attributed to one of the artists with certainty by means of a signature or other documents.


  • Hans-Dietrich Gronau : Andrea Orcagna and Nardo di Cione. A stylistic investigation. German Art Publishing House, Berlin 1937.
  • Richard Offner : A critical and historical corpus of Florentine painting. IV / 2: Tendencies of Gothic in Florence. Nardo di Cione. New York University, New York 1960.
  • Angelo Tartuferi (Ed.): Dal Duecento agli Orcagna. Il restauro della Madonna col Bambino di ignoto fiorentino del Duecento e del tread of Santa Maria degli Angeli di Nardo di Cione. Sillabe, Livorno 2001.

Web links

Commons : Nardo di Cione  - Collection of images, videos and audio files