Nathanael (disciple)

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Philip and Nathanael (illustration by WJ Morgan)

In the New Testament , Nathanael is a Galilean who was called by Jesus as one of the first disciples ( Jn 1,45–50  EU ). However, it is only mentioned in the Gospel of John ; it does not appear in the other Gospels.

The name Nathanael (Ναθαναήλ) comes from Hebrew. Netanʾel (נתנאל) means something like "God has given". Bearers of this name appear several times in the Hebrew Bible (e.g. Num 1,8; 1 Chr 2,14). Even Flavius Josephus knows the name and transcribed it as Ναθανάηλος.

There have been several attempts to identify Nathanael with one of the disciples of the Twelve of the Synoptic Gospels or with other biblical persons; However, this remains speculative:

  • In the church tradition, Nathanael is identified with Bartholomew from the apostellists in Acts 1.13  EU and the synoptic gospels, because there he follows Philip in lists of names ( Matt 10.3  EU ; Mk 3.18  EU ; Lk 6.14  EU ) , as in John the name Nathanael. Bartholomäus, "son of Thalmai", would be the patronymic, Nathanael the proper name. Thus Nathanael Bartholomew would be one of the twelve chosen by Jesus.
  • David Catchpole asked whether Nathanael was not "the disciple whom Jesus loved". Church tradition identified this with John himself. Nathanael is mentioned at the beginning of the gospel. His mention precedes the wedding at Cana , which may have been his home. It is therefore not impossible that he was the bridegroom for whom Jesus turned water into wine.
  • Others, on the other hand, wonder whether Nathanael is not an epithet behind which James the Just hides himself .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bauer / Aland: Greek-German dictionary on the writings of the New Testament and early Christian literature . 6th, completely revised edition, Berlin / New York 1988, Sp. 1078.
  2. ^ David R. Catchpole: Resurrection People: Studies in the Resurrection Narratives of the Gospels . Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Inc., 2002, ISBN 978-1-57312-380-8 ( [accessed December 6, 2016]).