National Decade for Literacy and Basic Education

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On the occasion of World Literacy Day on September 8, 2015, the federal and state governments jointly proclaimed the National Decade for Literacy and Basic Education , or AlphaDekade for short (2016–2026). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is in charge of the federal government and works closely with the relevant federal ministries. The priority goal of the AlphaDekade is to reduce the functional illiteracy of adults in Germany over the next ten years and to increase the level of basic education. In this way, more people who have difficulty reading and writing should be addressed and motivated to learn. In total, the BMBF is providing up to 180 million euros for measures as part of the AlphaDekade.

According to the latest scientific research by the University of Hamburg, 6.2 million adults have difficulty reading and writing. You can read and write individual words and sentences, but you are unable to understand coherent texts. Many of them are dependent on support, for example, when filling out a form in an authority or reading the package insert for a drug.

Low literacy, however, is not just an individual problem, it is a task for society as a whole. For this reason, the federal and state governments are working together with socially relevant partners in the AlphaDekade in order to coordinate their measures and initiatives and jointly use synergy effects.


In order to improve reading and writing skills as well as the basic level of education of adults in Germany, significantly more people than before have to take advantage of relevant learning opportunities. The biggest challenge here is reaching people with reading and writing difficulties. In a joint policy paper, the federal and state governments have therefore identified five fields of action that specify the objectives of the AlphaDekade:

  1. Creating a public : Most people in Germany are not aware of the extent of functional illiteracy. Measures with a high public profile are intended to reduce prejudices, break taboos and make learning opportunities more widely known.
  2. Intensify research : Studies and research results should help to find out what the causes of functional illiteracy are and how and where affected people can best be reached and won over to learning opportunities.
  3. Optimizing learning opportunities : In order to increase the motivation to learn, the learning opportunities must be based on the skills and needs of the learners. Learning content and formats must be designed to be everyday and practice-related and individually tailored to the participants.
  4. Professionalise teaching staff : Adults with literacy and basic education needs have different individual requirements and expectations. This places high demands on the teaching staff. Teachers in schools and in youth and adult education must be trained and qualified accordingly.
  5. Build structures : In order to achieve sustainable results, existing structures should be built on. The aim is to anchor literacy and basic education as cross-departmental issues and to establish them as a standard offer in general and professional further education.

The federal, state and decade partners derive an annual work program from these basic objectives, which contains concrete measures to implement the objectives in the respective fields of action. The policy paper is flanked by the 10-point program of the federal states for the National Decade for Literacy and Basic Education, with which the federal states participate in the implementation of the Alpha Decade with their own measures in their respective areas of responsibility.


The AlphaDekade's work program is implemented through the programs and projects funded by the BMBF and the federal states. The BMBF is currently funding numerous projects that focus in particular on topics and target groups that are close to the labor market and living environment. The aim is, for example, to integrate basic education in the context of in-company further training offers and to establish low-threshold learning offers in the social area.

In the model and transfer projects for job-oriented basic education funded by the BMBF, basic education offers are developed and tested with and in companies, teaching staff are trained and the topic is made known to companies and business associations. 62 percent of people with poor literacy skills are employed. Particularly affected are people who do simple auxiliary jobs and have a higher risk of not being able to work due to the rapid technological change in the world of work.

In the funding priority "Lifeworld-oriented literacy and basic education work", projects are funded that focus on everyday life and the personal environment of those affected and develop innovative concepts and measures from them. In doing so, they seek cooperation with socially and spatially active institutions such as social counseling centers, debt counseling, family centers or mosques. Addressing and motivating this group of people through familiar everyday life topics and approaches promises a great and lasting effect.

With a joint initiative, the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Education are also supporting multigenerational houses in Germany in implementing life-world-oriented learning opportunities for adults with limited reading, writing and numeracy skills. The well-networked municipal facilities are of particular interest as new teaching and learning locations, for example to motivate people with negative school experiences to learn later. In addition, there is a focus on effective publicity measures: With the information campaign "Better reading and writing" people with reading and writing difficulties and their surroundings are informed and motivated to seek help. The ALFA-Mobil supports the campaign with outreach advice. The ALFA-Mobil is traveling all over Germany to advertise reading and writing courses together with local course providers. Special occasions such as the annual World Literacy Day are used to raise public awareness of the topic. An information exhibition is available to all coordination offices in the federal states for their regional public relations work.

In addition, the Federal Ministry of Education is funding a number of scientific research projects as part of the AlphaDekade to investigate the extent and causes of functional illiteracy. The research situation on the living environments and the social milieus of the addressees of literacy and basic education offers should also be improved, their learning obstacles and learning motivation as well as the quality and success factors of the teaching and learning processes in learning offers should be researched. The 2018 LEO study conducted an empirical study of how poor reading and writing skills affect participation and what challenges low literacy adults face. The GeLiNu research project uses representative longitudinal data from the National Education Panel (NEPS) to investigate why adults in Germany cannot read, write and do arithmetic correctly and how these skills change in the course of life.

In addition to funding from the federal government, the federal states have set up new funding areas to improve the writing and reading skills of functionally illiterate people and to promote their basic education. With the funding, further training providers, especially adult education centers, were able to develop new learning opportunities. They also pushed ahead with the expansion of coordination centers and regional basic education centers. In all federal states there are now round tables, national advisory boards, alliances for literacy and basic education or alpha networks. There are currently around 50 regional basic education centers nationwide. They advise and support educational institutions in the planning, design and implementation of literacy and basic education courses.


The federal, state and decade partners work together in a board of trustees to shape the national decade. An interdisciplinary scientific advisory board supports the committees with its expertise. With the Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Board, structures have been created that enable practical and scientific advice. In 2015, the BMBF set up the coordination office for the Decade for Literacy at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. It ensures a synergetic and coordinated approach, supports the work of the Decade partners and accompanies the AlphaDekade monitoring process.


  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (2018): Promoting basic education - opening up opportunities. The National Decade for Literacy and Basic Education. Online at:
  • Grotlüschen, Anke; Buddeberg, Klaus; Dutz, Gregor; Heilmann, Lisanne; Stammer, Christopher (2019): LEO 2018 - Life with Low Literacy. Press brochure, Hamburg. Online at:
  • Riekmann, Wibke; Buddeberg, Klaus; Grotlüschen, Anke (ed.) (2016): The knowing environment of adults with poor reading and writing skills. Literacy and Basic Education, Volume 12. Münster: Waxmann Verlag.
  • Simone C. Ehmig, Lukas Heymann, Carolin Seelmann (2015): Literacy and Basic Education in the Workplace Perspectives in the professional environment and their potential. A study by the Reading Foundation in the funding priority “Job-oriented literacy and basic adult education” of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Online at:

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  2. Grotlüschen, Anke; Buddeberg, Klaus; Dutz, Gregor; Heilmann, Lisanne; Stammer, Christopher (2019): LEO 2018 - Life with Low Literacy. Press brochure, Hamburg. Online at: