World literacy day

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The World Literacy Day ( English World Literacy Day , also World Education Day ) is celebrated every year on September 8th . The day is intended to remember the problem of illiteracy . Around 860 million adults worldwide cannot read and write properly, two thirds of them are women. In Germany, 6.2 million people are considered to be poorly literate, i. H. at most they can read and write sentences down to the level of simple sentences.

Literacy rate worldwide by country (source: UNHD)

World Literacy Day was launched by UNESCO following the World Conference on the Elimination of Illiteracy in Tehran in September 1965 and celebrated for the first time on September 8, 1966.

In addition to numerous events that draw attention to the social and economic consequences of illiteracy worldwide, three education prizes will be awarded by UNESCO on World Literacy Day:

In addition to the annual World Literacy Day, the UN World Decade of Literacy was proclaimed in 2003 .

Individual evidence

  1. The fear of the ABC ( Memento from September 10, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), September 8, 2009 (accessed on September 8, 2009)
  2. Berner Zeitung : Reading and writing: (Not) a matter of course from September 8, 2008 (accessed on September 8, 2008)
  3. Grotlüschen, Anke; Buddeberg, Klaus; Dutz, Gregor; Heilmann, Lisanne; Stammer, Christopher (2019): LEO 2018 - Life with Low Literacy. Press brochure, Hamburg. Online at:
  4. Human Development Reports ( Memento from January 23, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), as of 2008
  5. USA Today : UN knows literacy can equal freedom, October 23, 2003 (accessed September 8, 2008).

Web links