National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus

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National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus (Prospekt Nesavisimosti 47)
National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus (Nekrasov Street 3)

The National Center for Contemporary Art of the Republic of Belarus (NCSM) ( Belarusian Нацыянальны цэнтр сучасных мастацтваў Рэспублікі Беларусь (НЦСМ) Nazyjanalny zentr sutschasnych mastaztwau Respubliki Belarus (NZSM) , Russian НЦСИ NZSI ) is the most important organization in the Republic of Belarus , whose activities on the Development of contemporary art.

The NCSM emerged in 2015 from the country's first museum for contemporary art (founded in 1998) and the creative workshop center for contemporary art founded in 2011.


The NCSM has two locations in Minsk :


The NCSM is subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, and Sergey Krishtapovich is the director.


Movement by Martha Shmatava in the exhibition Clara and Rose (2014)

The basis of the NCSM collections are works of Belarusian art of the 20th and 21st centuries (painting, graphics, sculpture, handicrafts, photography), but also works by foreign artists. There are a total of 5000 works of art in the collection. Works owned by the NCSM have been exhibited in many European countries in Russia and China .


The NCSM accompanies the work of the Belarusian pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia and organizes the Triennale for Contemporary Art in Minsk as well as exhibitions, seminars, lectures, discussions, films, theater productions and master classes.

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