Negativism (psychiatry)

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In psychiatry, negativism is a symptom of catatonic schizophrenia as well as passive-aggressive personality disorder , which consists of pathological distrust and paranoia and manifests itself in an attitude of refusal. The patient resists any prompts or attempts to be moved - or moves in the opposite direction instead.


  • KL Kahlbaum: The catatonia or the insanity of tension . A clinical form of mental illness. A. Hirschwald, Berlin 1874.
  • E. Bleuler: On the theory of schizophrenic negativism. In: Psychiatric-Neurological Weekly. 12 (1910)
  • Edward Shorter: Hysteria and catatonia as motor disorders in historical context. In: History of Psychiatry. 17/4 (2006), pp. 461-468.

Individual evidence

  1. DIMDI - ICD-10-GM Version 2019. Accessed February 24, 2019 .
  2. Rainer Sachse: Personality disorders: guidelines for psychological psychotherapy . Hogrefe Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-8017-2542-6 , pp. 272 .