Nena (continent)

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In geological history, Nena is the name of a hypothetical, paleoproterozoic / Mesoproterozoic continent that is said to have existed between 1750 and 1265 million years ago. The concept of this continent was expanded somewhat by later authors (e.g. Rogers, 1996). The original conception of Nena is virtually identical to the concept of a hypothetical continent Nuna , which was introduced a little earlier and is now often incorrectly equated with the hypothetical supercontinent Columbia .


The name Nena for the geological continent was suggested by CF Gower, AB Ryan, and T. Rivers in 1990. It is an acronym from Northern Europe and North America .


It originated from the geological continents Arctica and Baltica . Rogers (1996) and Rogers & Santosh (2003) expanded this definition to include Eastern Antarctica, which is said to have been located off the west coast of North America.

Nena as a continent in the history of the earth

The merger of Northern Europe (mainly the later Baltica ) and other parts of North America ( Arctica ) is said to have created the greater continent Nena around 1800 million years ago (border area Statherium / Orosirium ). According to alternative models, the supercontinent Columbia already existed at this time .



  • Charles F. Gower, AB Ryan and T. Rivers: Mid-Proterozoic Laurentia-Baltica: an overview of its geological evolution and a summary of the contributions made by this volume. In: Gower, CF, Rivers, T. and Ryan, AB (Eds.): Mid-Proterozoic Laurentia-Baltica. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper, 38, 1-20, Ottawa 1990 ISSN  0072-1042
  • John JW Rogers and M. Santosh: Supercontinents in Earth History. Gondwana Research , 6 (3): 357-368, Osaka 2003 ISSN  1342-937X .
  • AV Sankaran: The supercontinent medley: Recent views. Current Science, 85 (8): 121-124, Bangalore 2003 ISSN  0011-3891 PDF (76 kB)

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