Fountain of Neptune (Wroclaw)

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The Breslauer Neptune Fountain ("Gabeljürge") 1902
Location of the Neptune Fountain on Neumarkt

The Neptune Fountain ( called Gabeljürge (n) in Breslau , in Silesian Gabeljerge ) was a baroque fountain on the Neumarkt in Breslau . The well was destroyed at the end of the Second World War and its remains were buried.


The Neptune Fountain was built on Neumarkt in 1732 on behalf of the city council. The fountain was made of sandstone by the stonemason Johann Karinger and the sculptor Johann Jakob Bauer and the decorative elements were designed by Johann Baptist Lemberger . The Neptune sculpture stood on a pillar with four dolphins at the feet of which water oozed from their mouths. Around the column itself was a shell that was supported by four nereids .

In October 2010, archaeological excavations began on Neumarkt in advance of the construction of an underground car park. During the excavations, fragments of the torso of Neptune, an arm, shells, flowers and elements of the water basin were found. Eventually the well will be restored.

"The Breslauer Gabeljürge"

"The eel Meergot, ar heeß wull Näpptun, the want of a Schläsischen Wosser once rest - and since de Schläsinger has done him good, there they built lots of water fountains, wonderful baroque paddling and wusser pools, arabesques and ornaments on the casket their corners - and the fork boy sälber, the fork in the hand, what a Wosserspucker on huchem stand.

What did the Silesians need Versailles and Sanssouci - as rich as de Ferschten, who were you for yourself, that is why they didn’t grow up long and hard, sundern played their crazy game on the rings -do you can stroll around aristocrats in the evening and on the day of the week you lost de Kleenen shuffling and frolicking - dos made Vagniegen, dos made tälsch and happy ei Greetings Brassel, Liegnitz, Gleiwitz and sustewo.

The name Näpptun, of course, the customers don't say anything and that's why the Silesians are not happy - so the old Roman was renamed to a cozy fork Jürgen, and as a sulcheener he was allowed to try it out with a gossip table setting: A snorts, puffs, puffs, gockert wherever he can, a flutters and laughs druff, the fork boy, dr Wossermann! "

- Silesian dialect poem

See also

Web links

Commons : Fountain of Neptune (Breslau)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Wrocławscy aktywiści CHCA powrotu "Jurka for widłami". Apelują o odbudowę fontanny Neptuna na pl. Nowy Targ (Polish)