Nero (cognomen)

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Nero was an epithet ( cognomen ) in ancient Rome, which was used by the Claudians . According to Suetonius ( Tiberius 1, 2), it came from the Sabine language and meant “strong” and “active” (fortis ac strictuus) ; but the name could also be of Etruscan origin. The best-known bearers of the epithet were the Claudian emperors or military leaders

  • Tiberius Claudius Nero , called Tiberius
  • Tiberius Claudius Nero Germanicus , called Claudius
  • Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus , called Nero
  • Nero Claudius Drusus , called Drusus
  • Nero Claudius Germanicus , called Germanicus
  • Nero Iulius Caesar Germanicus , called Nero Caesar