Net energy lactation

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NEL is the abbreviation for Netto-Energie- Laktation , from English Net energy content for lactation . Together with a unit for energy per mass - usually joules per kilogram - it indicates the energy content of animal feed that can be used for milk production. It is always smaller than the total usable energy, the so-called metabolic energy - ME for short - metabolizable energy .

For example, green fodder has an average energy content of approx. 6.4 MJ NEL / kg DM , or 10.5 MJ ME / kg DM . The NEL can be calculated according to Kirchgessner and Keller (1981): NEL (MJ / KG TM) = 9.23 - 0.105 ADF (in%)

TM stands for feed dry matter ; English dry matter (DM).

See also