Beginning over (magazine)

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New Beginning was a left-wing socialist magazine, which was subtitled Leaves of International Socialists , which indicated that it was the publication organ of the Council Communist organization Gruppe Internationale Sozialisten . The magazine initially appeared illegally in Berlin from 1947 and was published monthly until 1950. After that, until the last edition in 1955, it appeared irregularly.

Development, positions

Initially, the magazine was hectographed in Alfred Weiland's Berlin apartment . For camouflage reasons, the place of publication was given in Zurich. In 1950 there was a brief merger with the new monthly Funken , which was created alternately by the Berlin editors around Weiland and the Ulm editors around Fritz Lamm , but the cooperation failed at the end of the year. The New Beginning group sought a tactical alliance with the Western Allies and wanted to influence the GDR as an “anti-Bolshevik combat sheet” . The Funken editorial team, on the other hand, wanted to offer a “pronunciation sheet” to the West German left and, in particular, to reach the left wing of the SPD . In contrast, new beginnings saw themselves less as a forum for discussion than as a discussant for the dissemination of council communist positions.

The first editor of New Beginning was Weiland, after being abducted by the Soviet secret police, Willy Huhn took over this position. In addition to articles by Weiland and Huhn, the magazine printed texts by Bertolt Brecht , Anton Pannekoek , Jack London and others. Most of the articles, however, were not assigned by name.

Individual evidence

  1. List of all issues in the database of German-speaking anarchism - DadA
  2. Michael Kubina: From Utopia, Resistance and Cold War. The untimely life of the Berlin councilor communist Alfred Weiland (1906-1978) , Münster 2001, p. 201.
  3. Michael Kubina: From Utopia, Resistance and Cold War. The untimely life of the Berlin councilor communist Alfred Weiland (1906-1978) , Münster 2001, p. 367.
  4. Michael Kubina: From Utopia, Resistance and Cold War. The untimely life of the Berlin councilor communist Alfred Weiland (1906-1978) , Münster 2001, p. 389 ff.
  5. ^ List of contributors in the database of German-speaking anarchism - DadA
  6. Michael Kubina: From Utopia, Resistance and Cold War. The untimely life of the Berlin councilor communist Alfred Weiland (1906-1978) , Münster 2001, p. 202.