New assessment application according to the severely disabled person law (SGB IX)

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An application for a new assessment according to the law on severely disabled persons (SGB IX) , also known as an aggravation application, is an application that people with a recognized disability can submit. The review of the originally issued notification of the given disability is also possible ex officio . This can be initiated after the so-called healing test has expired, ie if there are impairments such as cancer , which can improve.


With the help of the application, a new determination of a certified degree of disability should be obtained.

Legal basis

The legal basis for a new assessment application is § 152 SGB ​​IX .


The severely handicapped right grants people with disabilities in the Federal Republic of Germany a compensation for disadvantages in daily life . In order to be able to claim compensation for the disadvantage, the degree of the present disability must be determined. Once this has been done, the applicant will be sent a corresponding notification .

If the restrictions due to the recorded disability increase over a period of at least six months or new impairments are added to the existing restrictions, those affected have the opportunity to submit an application for a change, the new assessment application according to the severely handicapped law (SGB IX).


The application for a new assessment must be submitted to the responsible pension office .

Possibility of anger

The application leads to the fact that the degree of disability is determined again. This can result in both an increase and a decrease in the previously recognized degree of disability.

Unlike the review request a is at Neufeststellungsantrag after Schwerbehindertenrecht (SGB IX) vilification possible.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. New determination of a severe disability , accessed on January 14, 2020.
  2. § 152 - Ninth Book of the Social Code (SGB IX ) , accessed on January 14, 2020.
  3. Amendment, II. Information on the health disorders / explanations , accessed on January 14, 2020.