Ngô Sĩ Liên

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Ngô Sĩ Liên (* around 1400; † unclear) was a scholar and historian at the court of the Lê dynasty at the time of the emperor Lê Thánh Tông . He was the author of an official overall history of the country which was formative for the writing of history at the Vietnamese imperial court.


Ngo Si Lien passed his examination on historical writings during the reign of Emperor Lê Thánh Tông . During his activity as court historian, he wrote an overall history of the Vietnamese country based on his predecessors, which was published in 1479. In doing so, he drew on the preparatory work by Lê Văn Hưu from the Tran dynasty. Its Complete Historical Records of the Dai Viet ( Dai Viet Su Ky Toan Tu ). His work was periodically supplemented under the following dynasties and was widely used in the official historiography of the Vietnamese emperors.

Ngo Si Lien located the origins of Vietnamese society in the time of oral Confucian legends. He located the beginning of Vietnamese history in the mythical Hùng kings who are said to have ruled in the third millennium BC. Modern historians see this as an attempt to present the Vietnamese Empire as the elder in competition with the Chinese emperors.

Individual evidence

  1. Bruce Lockhart, William J. Duiker: Historical Dictionary of Vietnam. Oxford 2006, p. 156, p. 259
  2. ^ KW Taylor: A History of the Vietnamese. Cambridge 2013, p. 210