Non-directive parenting

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The non-directive education , at least since 2001, non-directive support called, is a method of education that their main bases in developmental psychology of Jean Piaget , the educational experiences of Maria Montessori has and in modern neurobiological research.

As an attempt to mediate between anti-pedagogy and conventional pedagogy, Wolfgang Hinte developed the concept of non-directive pedagogy , inspired by Carl R. Rogers , for which he later preferred the less ambiguous term personal pedagogy . He understood it to be “the constant endeavor to leave the learning partner responsible and (if possible) complete freedom of choice as to how, where, with whom, what and through what he wants to learn”.

Rebeca Wild coined the term non-directive education since 1997 at the latest when she pointed out that people living and working with children should not only trust their intuition, but should also make use of an ever-increasing amount of modern neurological research based on it point out that the non-directivity is the way to an "authentic human development" . In doing so, based on the pedagogy of Maria Montessori, she referred to the work of Jean Piaget and the findings of the biologist Humberto Maturana .

Important aspects of the educational work ( support ) are that children of all ages are allowed to make decisions every day that correspond to their authentic needs - and not necessarily to the ideas or demands of adults. The prepared environment, suitable for spontaneous actions, is not to be seen as an “unlimited environment”. Every life situation has both natural and common sense limits . Without them there is no mutual respect or a relaxed environment, both of which are essential for real development.

Individual evidence

  1. Rebeca Wild: Quality of life for children and other people . Upbringing and respect for the inner growth of children and young people. Beltz, Weinheim u. a. 2001, ISBN 3-407-22092-8 .
  2. Wolfgang Hinte: Non-directive pedagogy . An introduction to the basics and practice of self-determined learning. Opladen 1980.
  3. Rebecca Wild: Non-directionality - axis of a new education. 1997, accessed September 8, 2019 .