Rebeca Wild

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Rebeca Wild (* 1939 in Berlin ; † 2015 in Tumbaco ) was a German educator and author in Ecuador .

Live and act

Rebeca Wild had lived in Ecuador with her husband Mauricio Wild since 1961 . Both worked first as managers of a plantation, then as employees of an import-export company in the port city of Guayaquil . From 1965 to 1970 she studied social sciences in New York and Puerto Rico and then returned to Ecuador to lead an agricultural development project in the Andes .

In 1980 Rebeca Wild and her husband Mauricio Wild opened a primary school and in 1986 a secondary school in Quito / Ecuador. They established the nondirective education . In 1989, the so-called learning environment Pesta was recognized as an experimental school for Ecuador. Since 1989, the facility was allowed to enter a secondary school, the German high-school diploma equivalent. For the Abitur examination as external students, the young people could continue to study in the Pesta ; many have passed the Abitur after appropriate preparation in state or private courses. Your work and the books describing it were the motivation for a number of alternative schools , most of which call themselves “ active schools ”.

The concept was based on the pedagogy of Maria Montessori and the development model of Jean Piaget . In their school, they have expanded the prepared environment , as suggested and developed by Montessori pedagogy , to include rooms in which the children and young people can pursue their needs for free movement, for concrete experiences with unstructured materials or for conversations with one another. After the Pesta closed in 2010 , Rebeca Wild was involved in setting up the León Dormido (= sleeping lion) , a community project near Quito for living, learning and doing business in the service of life. The theoretical reflection of her work is based on the findings of the Chilean biologist Humberto Maturana .

Fonts (selection)

  • Education to be. Experience report from an active school. Arbor-Verlag, Freiamt 1986, ISBN 3-924195-03-X .
  • Its to be educated. Learning to live with children. Arbor-Verlag, Freiamt 1991, ISBN 3-924195-08-0 .
  • Children in the Pesta. Experiences on the way to a prepared environment for children. Arbor-Verlag, Freiamt 1993, ISBN 3-924195-10-2 .
  • Freedom and Limits - Love and Respect. What children need from us. Growing with children Verlag, Freiamt 1998, ISBN 3-933020-03-4 .
  • Children know what they need ; Herder, Freiburg (Breisgau) 1998, ISBN 3-451-04605-9 .
  • Quality of life for children and other people. Upbringing and respect for the inner growth of children and young people ; Beltz, Weinheim et al. 2001, ISBN 3-407-22092-8 .
  • Good enough parents. Adults and young people in dialogue about life processes, school and outside determination ; Beltz, Weinheim 2006, ISBN 3-407-22878-3 .
  • Raising Curious, Creative, Confident Kids. The Pestalozzi Experiment in Child-Based Education ; Shambhala, Boston MA 2000, ISBN 1-570-62455-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Oya, blog from Klein Jasedow / D: Wild about the end of the school project, March 2010 , seen on September 15, 2013