Nicolae Coci

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Nicolae Coci (Greek Νεκουλάι Κόκι; † around 1610 ?) Was an Aromanian court official in the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia . His son Vasile Lupu later became prince in Moldova.


Nicolae Coci probably came from the Epiros region and was of Aromanian origin. The father was possibly called Papas or Coce (Constantin), the mother Ekaterina. Nicolae was a businessman. In 1593 he was mentioned at the court of the Principality of Moldavia, in the same year he held a position at the Wallachian court.

The local prince Radu Mihnea took the family under his protection from 1601 or 1611. The year of death of Nicolae Coci is unknown.

Eight children of him are known

  • Vasile Lupu , Prince of Moldova 1634 to 1653
  • Gavriil Hetmanul
  • Ilinca
  • Marga
  • Anna
  • Ekatherina
  • Gheorghe (Costea?)

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Individual evidence

  1. The origin is not clear, the son Vasile Lupu was described by Dimitrie Cantemir as an Albanian around 1700 . See Ioan Bolovan: A History of Romania . Center for Romanian Studies, 1997. p. 287. [Vasile Lupu] was an Albanian from Arbanasi, probably with distant origin from Epirus, a region of mixed population. The majority of the population of the famous region is Greek and Albanian, but there live also thousands of "real Epirotes", the Romanian-speaking Vlachs of Pindus. This has served as a base for fabrications according to which Lupu was a Greek or a Vlach (Aromanian).
  2. ^ Mihail-Dimitri Sturdza: Familiile boiereşti dîn Moldova şi Țara Românească: Abaza-Bogdan . Simetria 2004. Nicolae Coci. Negustor macedonean, fiul unui Coce (Constantin) și al Ecaterinei
  3. Constantin Şerban: Vasile Lupu . Editura Academiei Române, 1991. ISBN 978-973-27-0205-5 . Tot atît de sigur este faptul că Nicolae Coci a fost mare comis în Moldova (martie- aprilie 1593), pe timpul lui Aron vodă Tiranul, că apoi a trecut în Țara Românească, unde a fost mare postelnic (octombrie 1594 - 22 July , apoi din nou (...)
  4. Daniel Ursprung: Legitimation of power between tradition and innovation. Representation and staging of rule in Romanian history in the pre-modern era and at Ceaușescu. Aldus Verlag, Brașov 2007. p. 122
  5. ^ Vasile Lupu - early years liquisearch