Nidâ Oz

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Nidâ Öz (* 1955 in Istanbul ) is a Turkish poet and musician living in Germany.


Öz began studying economics and science at Istanbul University in 1976. However, he had to break off his studies because of the so-called Cypriot conflict. Öz went to the military. In 1979 he emigrated to Germany and now lives in the Darmstadt area .


Öz began to write poetry as a child and also recited them in school. From the mid-1980s he set his poems to music. The first double CD Firar & Hos Geldin , ÖZ YAPIM GbR, LC 10049, was published in 2000 after years of preparation - it was the first Turkish audio book in Europe with poems set to music - condensed music . The director Yusuf Fersat shot a clip for the title “Firar” with recordings from Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Messel.

In order to publish bilingual books by authors and artists from Germany and to create a bridge between Germany and Turkey, Öz founded the publishing house "ÖZ YAPIM OHG - H @ vuz Yayınları" in 2002.

The publishing house was opened bilingually with his first book of poems Ahşap Bulutlar / A child from this area . All of the poems have been published in the Turkish media and can be read in literary magazines.

Nida Öz presents 29 authors in the book 29 Harfle Dünyadan 29 Sair . He also worked as an editor and graphic artist for this documentation.

In August 2001, Mayor Peter Benz opened his first literary event in the Literaturhaus (J.-F. Kennedy-Haus) in Darmstadt. The premiere took place in German and Turkish. Today Öz takes part in readings nationwide and organizes literary days in German and Turkish once a year.

In 2003 he founded the artists' initiative “havuz” and announced the first Turkish literary competition in Germany. This competition showed great interest among authors worldwide. Through his database he is in daily contact with international artists and authors. Since December 2005 he has published the online art and culture magazine Dergi H @ vuz . The online magazine appears every two months. Nida Öz documents in the trade journal about new publications of books and art objects and introduces the artists.

Öz is the deputy director for and in Germany of the Turkish Literature Association (Edebiyatcılar Derneği).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ISBN 3-9808611-0-4
  2. Nida Öz: 29 Harfle Dünyadan 29 Sair , ÖZ YAPIM OHG - H @ vuz Yayınları, ISBN 3-9808611-1-2