Nigerien action block

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Nigerien Action Block
Party leader Georges Condat
Emergence November 1955
founding May 16, 1956
resolution November 19, 1956
Headquarters Niger

The Nigerien Action Block ( French : Bloc Nigérien d'Action , abbreviation: BNA ) was a political party in the French overseas territory of Niger .


The Nigerien Action Block came into being in November 1955 when the Nigerien Progressive Union (UPN) party under Georges Condat merged with a group of former party members of the Union of Independent Nigerians and Sympathizers (UNIS) led by Adamou Mayaki and Issoufou Saïdou Djermakoye . With Georges Condat and Ikhia Zodi, UNIS had provided the two MPs who had represented Niger in the French National Assembly since 1951 . Condat had left UNIS in 1953 and founded the UPN.

The BNA was officially recognized as a party on May 16, 1956. Georges Condat became party leader of the BNA. In the elections in the French National Assembly on January 2, 1956, UNIS lost both seats: One seat went to the BNA candidate Georges Condat, the other to Hamani Diori from the Nigerien Progressive Party (PPN-RDA).

On November 19, 1956, the BNA merged with the Nigerien Democratic Union (UDN) under the leadership of Djibo Bakary to form the Nigerian section of the African Socialist Movement (MSA) later called Sawaba . Many former BNA members, including Yacouba Sido , left the Sawaba in 1958 and joined the PPN-RDA when the Sawaba, in contrast to the PPN-RDA, advocated Niger's immediate independence from France.


  • Finn Fuglestad : UNIS and BNA: The Rôle of "Traditionalist" Parties in Niger, 1948–1960 . In: Journal of African History . tape 16 , no. 1 , 1975, p. 113-135 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Mamoudou Djibo: Les enjeux politiques dans la colonie du Niger (1944–1960) . In: Autrepart , No. 27/2003 ( online version ; PDF; 507 kB), p. 47.
  2. ^ A b Edmond Séré de Rivières: Histoire du Niger . Berger-Levrault, Paris 1965, p. 271.
  3. Abdourahmane Idrissa and Samuel Decalo: Historical Dictionary of Niger . 4th ed., Scarecrow, Plymouth 2012, ISBN 978-0-8108-6094-0 , p. 85.