Nihon Kōki

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The Nihon Kōki ( Japanese 日本 後 紀 , dt. "Later Annals of Japan") is an official chronicle of Japan for the years 792 to 833. It is the third part of the six official empire histories ( Rikkokushi ). Fujiwara no Otsugu is considered to be the editor of Nihon Kōki .


Compilation of this chronicle began in 819 by order of the Tenno Saga . As a follow-up to the "continuation of Nihongi" ( Shoku Nihongi ), it should cover the years that followed. In their production, which lasted until 840, mainly members of the Fujiwara family took part , whose point of view shaped the representation.

Originally the work comprised 40 fascicles, most of which were lost in the 15th century during the Ōnin war . Today only books 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20-22 and 24. The missing content can be partially reconstructed from the source Ruijū Kokushi (German: "Imperial history sorted by genre"; completed in 892) , in which Sugawara no Michizane had categorized and chronologized the events of the six imperial stories.


The text, written in classical Chinese , covers the period from 792 to 833 and thus the rule of four Tennos: Kammu , Heizei , Saga and Junna .

Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku Nihon Montoku Tennō Jitsuroku Shoku Nihon Kōki Nihon Kōki Shoku Nihongi Nihon Shoki Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku Nihon Montoku Tennō Jitsuroku Shoku Nihon Kōki Nihon Kōki Shoku Nihongi Nihon Shoki


  • Hammitzsch, Horst (ed.): Rikkokushi. The official imperial annals of Japan. The government annals of the Kammu-tenno, Shoku-Nihongi 36-40 and Nihon-Koki 1-13 (780-806) . Tokyo 1962. (Announcements of the German Society for Nature and Ethnology of East Asia XLIII)
  • Sakamoto, Tarō: Rikkokushi . Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 1994 (1st edition 1970) ( 坂 本 太郎 『六 国史』 吉川弘 文 館 ), ISBN 4-642-06602-0
  • Sakamoto, Tarō / Brownlee, John S. (transl.): The Six National Histories of Japan . Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press / Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1991, pp. 123-140, ISBN 0-7748-0379-7 ; 4-13-027026-5

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