Nicholas of Maes

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Nikolaus von Maes OSB (* around 1470 in Sankt Aldegund , † 1532 in Sankt Avold ) was a German humanist and abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Nabor .


Nikolaus von Maes was initially a waiter in the imperial abbey of St. Maximin in Trier before he was elected abbot of the abbey of Saint Nabor in the diocese of Metz in 1518 , which he remained until his death in 1532. Maes was considered educated in classical and ancient literature , he was close to nature, had a penchant for satire and was open to the world. For the St. Sebastianus Brotherhood in St. Aldegund he donated a 1524/25 relics - monstrance , who came from the workshop of Trier goldsmith Wolf (f) and in 1891 to a sacramental monstrance with round Look vessel was fashioned.


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Individual evidence

  1. Alfons Friderichs: Property of the St. Maximin Abbey in (Trier) im Kreis , In: Heimatjahrbuch Kreis Cochem-Zell, 2002, p. 63