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Unwise on a Russian postage stamp (1992)

Never Klug ( Незнайка / nesnaika) is the main form in the children's books " never Klug in Knirpse Country " (Приключения Незнайки и его друзей) and " never Klug in Sun City " (Незнайка в Солнечном городе) of the Soviet author Nikolai Nossow (Николай Носов).

Nimmerklug is a little boy who goes on adventures with his friends Immerklug, Schraubfix, Schraubschnell, Nudeldick, Rennefix and others. The children's books are set in the fictional locations Blumenstadt and Sonnenstadt. The third part, “ Nimmerklug's Journey to the Moon ” (Незнайка на Луне), was not fully published in German . Only a preprint of the first four chapters of this volume appeared in 1968 in the magazine “Soviet Literature ” under the title: “ Weissichnicht fliegen auf den Mond ”. This preprint was reprinted in November 2006 as a small-format booklet under the title “ Never Smart flies to the moon ”.


  • 1997–1999 Nimmerklug on the Moon (Nesnaika na Lune), two-part animated film