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Ninki-Nanka (other spelling Ninkinanka ) is a mythical creature in the West African state of Gambia , comparable to the Loch Ness monster . As with other mysteries in cryptozoology , it is a myth .

Armitage's King , as Ninki-nanka was named in 1922 after the British governor Cecil Hamilton Armitage , is said to be found in swampy and boggy landscapes of West Africa, according to tradition. It is described as an animal with a long body covered with scales and a head similar to a horse. But it is also described as similar to a crocodile . Lengths have been given up to 30 meters. It is also believed that the creature is somewhere in Senegal .

Expedition 2006

In July 2006 a group of British dragon hunters from a so-called cryptologist research association made a two-week expedition. The group received some media attention.

Individual evidence

  1. BBC News of July 14, 2006: Hunt for Gambia's mythical dragon