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Nkope is an archaeological dig site in Malawi . It is located 25 kilometers south of Monkey Bay and 50 kilometers north of Mangochi at Nkope Mission, also called Nkope Hill, in the Mangochi district on southern Lake Malawi . It is to be distinguished from Nkope on northern Lake Malawi [10 ° 55 'S, 34 ° 13' E] north of the port of Charo and south of the port of Mlowe.

The Nkope pottery and thus the first Iron Age culture in Malawi is named after this site . The Nkope pottery can be found mainly at excavation sites in southern Malawi and dates from the 3rd to the 11th century. The Nkope culture belongs to the early Iron Age.


  • Yusuf M. Juwayeyi: Iron age settlement and substence patterns in southern Malawi , in The Archeology of Africa , edited by T. Shaw, P. Sinclair, B. Andah, A. Okpoko, London and New York 1993, pp. 391-398 , ISBN 041511585X

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Coordinates: 14 ° 12 ′  S , 35 ° 2 ′  E