Nobel Prize in Physics 1901

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Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen,
Nobel Prize in Physics 1901

For the Nobel Prize in Physics 1901 30 nominations were received. The Nobel Prize was awarded to the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen , who was proposed 16 times.

Pieter Zeeman , who was nominated twice, received the Nobel Prize in Physics the following year; Svante Arrhenius , also proposed twice, in 1903 the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Henri Becquerel , who was proposed once, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, Gabriel Lippmann , also proposed once, in 1908, Guglielmo Marconi , proposed once, in 1909.

List of nominations

Nominee by
Svante Arrhenius Adolf von Baeyer
Svante Arrhenius August Sundell
Henri Becquerel Marcellin Berthelot
William Campbell George Hale
William Campbell Simon Newcomb
Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard Silvanus Thompson
Philipp Eduard Anton by Lenard
Wilhelm Röntgen
Knut Ångström
Philipp Eduard Anton by Lenard
Wilhelm Röntgen
Svante Arrhenius
Philipp Eduard Anton by Lenard
Wilhelm Röntgen
Bernhard Hasselberg
Philipp Eduard Anton by Lenard
Wilhelm Röntgen
Hugo Hildebrandsson
Philipp Eduard Anton by Lenard
Wilhelm Röntgen
Robert Thalén
Gabriel Lippmann Joseph de Lacaze-Duthiers
Guglielmo Marconi Pietro Blasena
Adolf Nordenskiöld Elis Sidenbladh
Wilhelm Röntgen Wilhelm von Bezold
Wilhelm Röntgen Anton Dohrn
Wilhelm Röntgen Friedrich von Hefner-Alteneck
Grenville Clark Louis Susky
Wilhelm Röntgen Rudolph von Koelliker
Wilhelm Röntgen Max von Pettenkofer
Wilhelm Röntgen Max Planck
Wilhelm Röntgen Friedrich von Recklinghausen
Wilhelm Röntgen Franz Reuleaux
Wilhelm Röntgen E Stuve
Wilhelm Röntgen Emil Warburg
Wilhelm Röntgen Gustav Zeuner
William Thomson Wilhelm Röntgen
Johannes van der Waals Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
Pieter Zeeman Christian Christiansen
Pieter Zeeman Albert Michelson
