Noi vogliam Dio, Vergine Maria

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Noi Vogliam Dio, Vergine Maria , in some insecure Internet sources as the national anthem of the Papal States referred to at the beginning of the 19th century. Marcia Trionfale had held this position since 1857 . The text by Noi Vogliam Dio is a prayer addressed to Mary for the presence and effectiveness of God in all areas of life. The national - Italian accent is sometimes emphasized in a combative manner and with the vocabulary of the Risorgimento , so that official validity in the anti-national papal state is unlikely.

The song is still played in processions today .

song lyrics

Noi vogliam Dio, Vergin Maria,
benigna ascolta il nostro dir,
noi t'invochiamo, o Madre pia,
dei figli tuoi compi il desir.

We want God, Virgin Mary,
hear our prayer kindly,
we call you, O faithful Mother,
fulfill the desires of your children.

Deh benedici, o Madre, al grido della fe ' ,
noi vogliam Dio, ch'è nostro Padre,
noi vogliam Dio, ch'è nostro Re.
noi vogliam Dio, ch'è nostro Padre,
noi vogliam Dio, ch'è nostro Re.


Yes, give blessings, mother, to the call of faith,
we want God who is our Father,
we want God who is our King,
we want God who is our Father,
we want God. who is our king.

Noi vogliam Dio nelle famiglie
dei nostri cari in mezzo al cor;
sian puri i figli, caste le figlie,
tutti c'infiammi di Dio l'amor.

We want God in families,
right in the heart of our loved ones,
the sons be pure, the daughters chaste
, the love of God inflame us all.

Noi vogliam Dio in ogni scuola
perché la cara gioventù
la legge apprenda e la parola
della sapienza di Gesù.

We want God in every school
so that dear young people may learn
the law and the word of
the wisdom of Jesus.

Noi vogliam Dio nell'officina
perché sia ​​santo anche il lavor;
a Lui dal campo la fronte china
alzi fidente l'agricoltor.

We want God in the workshop
so that the work is also holy;
the farmer lifted
his bowed forehead trustingly from the field to him .

Noi vogliam Dio nella coscienza
di chi l'Italia governerà!
So la patria riavrà potenza
ea nuova vita risorgerà.

We want God in the conscience of those who
rule Italy!
In this way the fatherland will regain power
and rise to new life.

Noi vogliam Dio, dell'alma è il grido,
che a piè leviamo del santo altar.
Grido d'amore ardente e fido,
per tua man possa al ciel volar.

We want God, the call that
we raise at the foot of the holy altar comes from the heart . May the
call of ardent and believing love
rise to heaven through your hand.

Noi vogliam Dio, l'inique genti
contro di lui si sollevar
e negli eccessi loro furenti
osaron stolti Iddio sfidar.

We want God. The wicked multitudes
have dared to rise up against him
foolishly challenge God in their angry excesses .

Noi vogliam Dio, Dio nella scuola,
vogliam che in essa la gioventù
studi la santa di lui la Parola,
miri l 'immagine del buon Gesù.

We want God, God in school,
we want the youth
to study His holy word in it and see
the image of the good Jesus.

Noi vogliam Dio, nel giudicare
a Dio s'ispiri il tribunal.
Dio nelle nozze innanzi all'altare,
Dio del morente al capezzal.

We want God, in judging
let the judgment be guided by him,
God in the wedding in front of the altar,
God in the bed of the dying.

Noi vogliam Dio, perché al soldato
coraggio infonda nel guerreggiar,
sì che a difesa del suo amato
d'Italia sappia da eroe pugnar.

We want God to
instill courage in the soldier in waging war,
so that he
can fight as a hero in the defense of his beloved Italy.

Noi vogliam Dio, quest 'almo grido
echeggi ovunque in terra e in mar,
suoni solenne in ogni lido,
dove s' innalza di Dio l' altar.

We want God, this sublime cry
resounds everywhere on land and water,
it sounds solemnly on every beach
where the altar of God is erected.

Noi vogliam Dio, le inique genti
rigettan stolte il suo regnar,
ma noi un patto stringiam fidenti,
né sia ​​chi osi più Iddio sfidar.

We want God, even if the wicked multitudes
foolishly reject his rule, but
we make a covenant in faith,
and no one dare to challenge God anymore.

Noi vogliam Dio, nei tribunali
egli presieda al giudicar.
Noi lo vogliamo negli sponsali,
nostro conforto allo spirar.

We want God, in the courts
he presides over the judging.
We want it in marriages,
our comfort as long as we breathe.

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