Nomological validity

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Nomological validity (engl. Nomological validity ) referred to in the multivariate statistical one aspect of the construct and is present when the hypothetical causal relationships between a number of constructs can be confirmed.


The idea of ​​nomological validity is mentioned by Bagozzi (1980) at the latest.


Nomological validity is only one building block for determining the construct validity of a construct. Further components are convergence validity , discriminant validity and content validity based on a definition of the construct.

The verification of nomological validity is only possible if the construct to be measured is theoretically related to other constructs of which valid scales exist. The nomological validity is considered proven if this connection can be proven with the scale to be checked.


The use of nomological validity is criticized by John R. Rossiter , who only emphasizes content validity as the essential core of construct validity , and even equates content and construct validity. This view is in turn criticized by Adamantios Diamantopoulos , who refers to the meaning u. a. the nomological validity.


  1. Bagozzi, Richard P. (1980): Causal Models in Marketing. New York.
  2. Homburg, C .; Giering, A. (1996): Conceptualization and Operationalization of Complex Constructs. A Guide to Marketing Research. Marketing ZFP, Vol. 18, pp. 5-24. Here: pp. 7 f.
  3. ^ Rossiter, JR (2002): The C-OAR-SE procedure for scale development in marketing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 19, pp. 305-335.
  4. Diamantopoulos, A. (2005): The C-OAR-SE procedure for scale development in marketing: A comment. International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 22, pp. 1-9.