Nonviolent Peaceforce

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Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) is an international non-governmental organization that works to protect civilians and reduce violence in conflict regions. Together with local partner organizations, at whose invitation NP may take action, non-violent methods are used to protect people and organizations at risk of violence and to help reduce violence. In this way, sustainable peace processes are to be made possible or supported. The NP teams consist of trained peace workers and are international.

The Nonviolent Peaceforce has a network of over 65 organizations and individuals who support it around the world. It is based in Ferney-Voltaire, France near Geneva.

The German founding organizations of the NP are the Federation for Social Defense and the forumZFD .

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Individual evidence

  1. Christine Schweitzer (ed.): Civilian Peacekeeping - A Barely Tapped Resource. Sozio-Publishing, Belm-Vehre 2010, ISBN 978-3-935431-79-8 ( ).
  2. Ellen Furnari (ed.) 2016. Wielding Nonviolence in the Midst of Violence. Case Studies of Good Practices in Unarmed Civilian Protection. Institute for Peace Work and Nonviolent Conflict Transformation ISBN 978-3-8370-9651-4