Northwest German University Conference

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The Northwest German University Conference was a meeting of the rectors of the universities and colleges of the British occupation zone in Germany, which was first held in September 1945 at the University of Göttingen . A total of 18 meetings took place. After the formation of the Trizone, the West German Rectors' Conference developed from the Northwest German University Conference .

First Northwest German University Conference

Gustav Gassner , the rector of the TH Braunschweig , appointed on the initiative of Rudolf Smend on 26./27. September 1945 the first university conference in Göttingen. Siegfried Müller described the climate there as a “euphoric atmosphere of optimism”. Nazi rule was viewed as a disaster for German universities and terms such as “self-administration”, “freedom of research and teaching” and the right to a certain degree of autonomy emerged. Further reforms initiated by the British, such as social openness and democratic structures at universities, were rejected by the majority of professors . When it came to the problem of filling vacant positions, the British demanded that professors who were ousted or emigrated under National Socialism should be given preference. Among other things, Rudolf Smend pleaded for the review of recalls, as some would not have had the opportunity to continue to work scientifically. An “unconditional usability for the new office must exist”. The topic of university autonomy was used to avoid further discussion about it. Since the representatives of the military government from the "Education Branch", Major AJ Beattie and James Mark , suggested that the recall should be taken as a resolution, the following text was formulated:

"That the German university professors who have been displaced or who have emigrated due to the National Socialist legislation in all appropriate cases the restoration of their character as German university professors, in the case of academic usability their use in their previous office, if this is occupied, in another equivalent, in the case of reduced academic usability their appropriate use Care, in particular their retirement, is to be granted. Possibly. their previous positions are to be kept open for those affected. "

Further Sessions Historical Organization (Braunschweig)

The third meeting took place from February 25 to 27, 1946. The fourth conference took place on May 28, 1946, and the seventh on February 14, 1947 in Göttingen.


  • Manfred Heinemann (Ed.): Northwest German University Conferences 1945–1948. Lax, Hildesheim 1990. ISBN 3-7848-3905-3 . (multiple volumes)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Walter Rüegg (Ed.): History of the University in Europe , Volume IV, p. 93
  2. ^ Manfred Overesch : Quo vadis, Germany? Olms, 2003, ISBN 3487119137 , p. 107.
  3. ^ Anikó Szabó: Ordered recalls. The university conferences and the discussion about the emigrated university professors, in: Marlis Buchholz, Claus Füllberg-Stolberg and Hans-Dieter Schmid (eds.): National Socialism and Region. Festschrift for Herbert Obenaus on his 65th birthday . Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, Bielefeld 1996, ISBN 3-89534-172-X , (= Hannoversche Schriften zur Regional- und Lokalgeschichte , Volume 11), p. 341
  4. ^ Anikó Szabó: Ordered recalls. P. 341 f.
  5. ^ Anikó Szabó: Ordered recalls. P. 342
  6. ^ Anikó Szabó: Ordered recalls. P. 342
  7. ^ Anikó Szabó: Ordered recalls. P. 343
  8. ^ Anikó Szabó: Ordered recalls. P. 344.