Emergency call daily

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Television broadcast
Original title Emergency call daily
Country of production Germany
Year (s) 1998-2001
length 30 minutes
Monday - Friday
genre Reality TV
Moderation Hans Meiser
First broadcast April 15, 1998 on RTL

Emergency daily was a broadcast on RTL. It was created as an offshoot of the hit program Notruf with Hans Meiser . As with its sister program, accidents and rescue missions were re-enacted every day with the original people at the original places.

Emergency Call Daily was first broadcast on April 15, 1998. The half-hour show ran from Monday to Friday at lunchtime and from 2001 on breakfast TV around 9:30 a.m.

The series was discontinued in 2001, while Emergency Call was broadcast until August 27, 2006. Was developed emergency daily from the production company CREATV .

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