Nuclide map / ordinal numbers from 101

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This is part of the nuclide map

List of subpages


colour Half-life
Nucl. <10 -10 seconds
Nucl. <1 minute
Nucl. 1 minute to 1 hour
Nucl. 1 hour to 1 day
Nucl. 1 day to 60 days
Nucl. 60 days to 10 years
colour Half-life
Nucl. 10 years to 1,000 years
Nucl. 1,000 years to 100,000 years
Nucl. 100,000 years to 10 million years
Nucl. 10 million to 50 million years
Nucl. primordial nuclide (> 50 million years)
Nucl. stable


Ordinal numbers from 101

p 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Md No Lr Rf Db Sg Bra Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Above
147 248 Md
148 249 Md 250 No.
149 250 billion 251 No. 252 Lr 253 Rf
150 251 billion 252 no 253 Lr 254 Rf 255 Db
151 252 billion 253 no 254 Lr 255 Rf 256 Db
152 253 billion 254 No. 255 Lr 256 Rf 257 Db 258 Sg
153 254 billion 255 No. 256 Lr 257 Rf 258 Db 259 Sg 260 operating hours
154 255 billion 256 No. 257 Lr 258 Rf 259 Db 260 Sg 261 operating hours
155 256 billion 257 no 258 Lr 259 Rf 260 db 261 Sg 262 hours 263 Hs
156 257 Md 258 No. 259 Lr 260 Rf 261 Db 262 Sg 263 hours 264 Hs 265 m
157 258 billion 259 no 260 Lr 261 Rf 262 Db 263 Sg 264 operating hours 265 Hs 266 Mt 267 Ds
158 259 Md 260 No. 261 Lr 262 Rf 263 Db 264 Sg 265 operating hours 266 Hs 267 Mt 268 Ds
159 260 billion 261 No. 262 Lr 263 Rf 264 Db 265 Sg 266 operating hours 267 Hs 268 Mt 269 Ds
160 261 billion 262 No. 263 Lr 264 Rf 265 Db 266 Sg 267 hours 268 Hs 269 m 270 Ds
161 262 Md 263 No. 264 Lr 265 Rf 266 Db 267 Sg 268 hours 269 Hs 270 Mt 271 Ds 272 Rg
162 264 No. 265 Lr 266 Rf 267 Db 268 Sg 269 hours 270 ms 271 m 272 Ds 273 Rg
163 266 Lr 267 Rf 268 Db 269 Sg 270 operating hours 271 Hs 272 m 273 Ds 274 Rg
164 268 Rf 269 Db 270 Sg 271 hours 272 Hs 273 m 274 Ds 275 Rg
165 270 db 271 Sg 272 hours 273 Hs 274 m 275 Ds 276 Rg 277 cn
166 272 Sg 273 hours 274 Hs 275 mt 276 Ds 277 Rg 278 cn
167 273 Sg 274 hours 275 Hs 276 Mt 277 Ds 278 Rg 279 cn
168 275 operating hours 276 Hs 277 Mt 278 Ds 279 Rg 280 cn
169 277 Hs 278 Mt 279 Ds 280 Rg 281 cn 282 Nh
170 279 m 280 Ds 281 Rg 282 cn 283 Nh
171 281 Ds 282 Rg 283 cn 284 Nh 285 bottles
172 282 Ds 283 Rg 284 cn 285 Nh 286 bottles 287 Mc
173 285 cn 286 Nh 287 bottles 288 Mc 289 Lv
174 286 cn 287 Nh 288 bottles 289 Mc 290 Lv 291 Ts
175 289 bottles 290 Mc 291 Lv 292 Ts
176 291 Mc 292 Lv 293 Ts 294 Og
177 293 Lv 294 Ts