Numismatic bibliography

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The numismatic bibliographies of the 18th and 19th centuries by Johann Christoph Hirsch , Johann Gottfried Lipsius and Johann Jakob Leitzmann could not be replaced by anything. This is the reason for their enduring value. Lipsius based his directory on Hirsch and Leitzmann added the period to 1866.

The steadily increasing number of scientific papers on coins and medals in the following 113 years prompted Philipp Grierson 1979 and Elvira E. Clain-Stefanelli 1984 to add the three aforementioned authors to the more recent periods. Internationally, reference should be made to the series "A Survey of Numismatic Research", which appears every six years at the International Numismatic Congresses (most recently: Glasgow 2009), which is based on historical epochs for antiquity, for states especially for the Middle Ages and Contains modern times progress reports. A big problem for all bibliographical companies is that titles that are relevant to numismatics or that are written by well-known numismatists appear in neighboring subjects (such as archeology, folklore, art history and many others) and are therefore easy to find in specialist museum institutes be overlooked.

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  • Johann Christoph Hirsch: Bibliotheca numismatica exhibens catalogum auctorum qui de re monetaria et numis tam antiquis quam recentioribus. scripsere collecta et indice rerum instructa a Joh. Christ. Deer. Nuremberg: Felsecker, 1760.
  • Johann Gottfried Lipsius: IG Lipsii Bibliotheca numaria sive catalogus auctorum qui usque ad finem seculi XVIII de re monetaria aut numis scripserunt . Leipzig: Schäfer, 1801. Reprint Mansfield Center, Conn .: Martino [u. a.], 2000.
  • Johann Jakob Leitzmann: Directory of all numismatic works published between 1800 and now (1860) as a continuation of the Bibliotheca numaria by JG Lipsius by JJ Leitzmann, pastor of Tunzenhausen. Weißensee: Grossmann'sche Buchhandlung, 1841 (2nd edition 1867).
    • Johann Jakob Leitzmann and Johann Gottfried Lipsius: A bibliography of numismatic books printed before 1800 y J [ohann] G [ottfried] Lipsius. With the suppl. to 1866 by J. Leitzmann. First publ. 1801 and 1867, reprint Colchester: Drury, 1977.
  • Philip Grierson : Bibliography numismatique . Bruxelles: 2nd edition 1979 (Cercle d'études numismatiques. Travaux 9).
  • Elvira E. Clain-Stefanelli: Numismatic Bibliography . Munich: Battenberg, 1984. ISBN 3-87045-938-7 ; Munich; New York; London; Paris: Saur, 1984. ISBN 3-598-07507-3 .

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