Nut and almond cake

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The nut and almond cake ( orzechowo-migdałowy in Polish ) is a cake known from traditional Polish cuisine . Its specialty is that no flour is used in the production.

It is made up of two different layers of dough. The lower half of the cake consists of dark nut dough, which contains ground walnuts or hazelnuts, egg yolks, powdered sugar, cocoa and vanilla . This dough is covered with the lighter dough of the upper half of the cake, which consists of ground almonds , stiffly beaten egg white, ground biscuit, lemon juice and vanilla.

The layers of dough lying on top of one another are baked together and remain connected, there is no cream or cream in between. After cooling down adequately, the cake is coated with jam (apricot or orange jam ), covered with a glaze (chocolate or coffee glaze) and decorated using nuts and almonds.


  • Maria Lemnis, Henryk Vitry, W staropolskiej kuchni i przy polskim stole , Warsaw 1986.

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