Nybrott (Larvik)

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The Nybrott (literally: New Enlightenment) was a Norwegian newspaper that was printed in Larvik in Vestfold og Telemark .

Nybrot was founded on September 9, 1911 as a newspaper of the Arbeiderpartiet . At first it was published weekly, then it was published twice a week and from 1915 it was published every day. On January 10, 1921, it merged with the Bratsberg Democrats and was henceforth called Folkets Dagblad , which now functioned as the regional newspaper for Telemark and Vestfold. However, the merger was canceled on May 19, 1922. In 1926, Nybrot was renamed the more modern Nybrott .

During the Second World War Nybrott was merged with the Østlands-Posten by decree of the National Socialists. The new newspaper was called Larvik Dagblad and was published between July 1, 1943 and May 31, 1945.

From 1970 Arne Tumyr was the editor. A year later the newspaper was converted into a morning paper . Tumyr had the newspaper converted to tabloid format , but it was not introduced until 1983. In the same year the newspaper broke away from the Labor Party. Despite support from the labor movement, the newspaper ran into financial difficulties, so that after the last edition of August 18, 1984, the publication had to be stopped.

supporting documents

  1. a b c Tor Are Johansen: Nybrott. In: Idar Flo: Norske aviser fra A til Å ( Norsk presses historie 1660–2010 . Volume 4). Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2010. ISBN 978-82-15-01604-7 , p. 255.