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OMDoc (Open Mathematical Documents)
File extension : .omdoc
MIME type : application / omdoc + xml
Developed by: Michael Kohlhase
Extended by: XML , MathML , OpenMath
Standard (s) : OMDoc 1.2

OMDoc (Open Mathematical Documents) is a semantic markup language for mathematical documents. While MathML can only represent mathematical formulas and the related OpenMath standard only knows "content dictionaries", which contain definitions for symbols used in formulas, OMDoc covers the whole range of written mathematics.


OMDoc knows mathematical expressions on three levels:

Object level
Formulas written in Content MathML (the structure-oriented sub-language of MathML), OpenMath or languages ​​for formal logic .
Statement level
Definitions, propositions, proofs, examples and the relationships between them (such as "This proof proves that proposition.")
Theory level
A theory is a set of contextually related statements. Theories can import other theories and thus form a graph . Viewed as collections of symbol definitions, OMDoc theories are compatible with OpenMath Content Dictionaries.

Formal syntax or informal natural language can be used at any level, depending on the application.

Semantics and presentation

OMDoc is a semantic markup language that can be used to express the meaning of mathematical texts. In contrast to LaTeX , for example , it is not primarily aimed at presentation. An OMDoc document does not have to specify how its content should look. A conversion to LaTeX or XHTML (with formulas in Presentation MathML) is possible. For this purpose, the notation of symbols can be defined.


Today OMDoc is used in the following areas:

Creation of custom textbooks
Data exchange
Many theorem provers and computer algebra systems have import and export functions for OMDoc. OMDoc was also designed as a communication language between mathematical web services .
Document preparation
Documents about mathematics can be prepared in OMDoc and later exported in presentation-oriented formats such as LaTeX or XHTML + MathML.


OMDoc has been developed since 1998 by the German mathematician and computer scientist Michael Kohlhase . So far the following versions have been released:

  • 1.0 (November 2000)
  • 1.1 (December 2001)
  • 1.2 (July 2006)

Future developments

The development of an OMDoc-based infrastructure for a " semantic web of engineering and natural sciences" is planned. To this end, OMDoc is being expanded to include sciences other than mathematics. The first result is PhysML , an OMDoc variant that has been expanded towards physics .

For better integration with other semantic web applications, an OWL ontology from OMDoc is under development, as well as an export function to RDF .


Web links