Upper limit of the Gender Gap Index

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The in Global Gender Gap Report defined Geichstellungsindex (Engl. Gender Gap Index , SCI) is by limits on the upper limit of the Gender Gap Index bounded by 0.9949 (limes superior) and can not be exceeded by definition.


In the Global Gender Gap Report , to calculate the Gender Gap Index (GGI), the gender-related data of women is divided by that of men (female / male). If the result is greater than 1 (f / m> 1), the quotient (f / m) is not inserted, but the upper limit value 1. For example, Germany 2018 had in pts. 1.4 proportion of women professionals and technicians 1.06 (f / m) exceeded the limits of 1.0 and calculation of the GGI was performed with the upper limit value of 1.0 instead of by the quotient 1.06.

The exception to this rule is the life expectancy at which the limit value (f / m) is 1.06 and the birth rate with the limit value of 0.944. The reason is trivial: 0.944 is the rounded reciprocal of 1.06. For an example, see Angola; Sex ratio at birth is 0.97 (> 0.944), which is why the quotient has been replaced with the upper limit value 0.944; Healthy life expectancy is 1.07 (> 1.06), the upper limit was replaced with 1.06.

The quotients are weighted and the result is the gender gap index.

The upper limit of the GGI

Due to the limit values ​​defined in the Global Gender Gap Report , the Gender Gap Index is limited to 0.9949.

1. Work, profession
 Indicators limit weighting Indices
* Employment share 1.0 0.199 0.199
* Income differences 1.0 0.310 0.310
* Income ratio 1.0 0.221 0.221
* Senior officials and managers 1.0 0.149 0.149
* Shares in professionals and technicians 1.0 0.121 0.121
  total 1.0 1.0
2. Education
 Indicators limit weighting Indices
* Literacy rate 1.0 0.191 0.191
* Primary education 1.0 0.459 0.459
* Higher education 1.0 0.229 0.229
* University education 1.0 0.121 0.121
  total 1.0 1.0
3. Health and life expectancy
 Indicators limit weighting Indices
* Gender ratio at births 0.944 0.693 0.654
* Life expectancy 1,060 0.307 0.325
  total 1.0 0.980
4. Political participation
 Indicators limit weighting Indices
* Parliamentarians 1.0 0.310 0.310
* Ministers 1.0 0.247 0.247
* Female heads of state 1.0 0.443 0.443
  total 1.0 1.0
1. Economic equality 1,000
2. Access to education 1,000
3. Health and life expectancy 0.980
4. Political participation 1,000
total   3,980

Gender Gap Index : 3.98 / 4 = 0.9949 .

This is the upper limit (Limes superior) of the Gender Gap Index .

The GGI of Germany 2018

1. Work, profession
Indicators Women Men f / m limit correction (GGGR) weighting Indices
* Employment share 73.8 82.3 0.897 > 1.0 0.897 (0.897) 0.199 0.178
* Income differences 0.717 1.0 0.717 > 1.0 0.717 (0.717) 0.310 0.222
* Income situation 41,249 60,329 0.684 > 1.0 0.684 (0.684) 0.221 0.151
* Legislators, senior officials and managers 29.2 70.8 0.412 > 1.0 0.412 (0.413) 0.149 0.061
* Proportion of professionals and technicians 51.5 48.5 1,062 > 1.0 1.0 (1,000) 0.121 0.121
  (0.734) 1.0 0.734
2. Education
Indicators Women Men f / m limit correction (GGGR) weighting Indices
* Literacy rate 99 99 1.0 > 1.0 1.0 (1,000) 0.191 0.191
* Primary education - - 1.0 > 1.0 1.0 (-) 0.459 0.459
* Higher education 47.1 52.9 0.89 > 1.0 0.89 (0.944) 0.229 0.204
* University education 68.3 68.4 0.999 > 1.0 0.999 (0.999) 0.121 0.121
  (0.976) 1.0 0.975
3. Health and life expectancy
Indicators Women Men f / m limit correction (GGGR) weighting Indices
* Gender ratio at births 95 100 0.95 > 0.944 0.944 (0.944) 0.693 0.654
* Life expectancy 73 70.2 1.04 > 1.06 1.04 (1,040) 0.307 0.319
  (0.973) 1.0 0.973
4. Political participation
Indicators Women Men f / m limit correction (GGGR) weighting Indices
* Parliamentarians 30.7 69.3 0.443 > 1.0 0.443 (0.444) 0.31 0.137
* Ministers 33.3 66.7 0.499 > 1.0 0.499 (0.500) 0.247 0.123
* Female heads of state 13.1 36.9 0.355 > 1.0 0.355 (0.355) 0.443 0.157
  (0.418) 1.0 0.418
  • Both in terms of the proportion of specialists and technicians and in terms of the gender ratio at births , Germany had exceeded the limit value and was downgraded.
  • Due to the lack of information from Germany on primary school education, the WEF made "adjustments".
1. Economic equality 0.734
2. Access to education 0.975
3. Health and life expectancy 0.973
4. Political participation 0.418
total 3,100

Gender Gap Index : 3.1 / 4 = 0.775 , in the GGGR the GGI is 0.776, the reason is the patchwork of the WEF due to Germany's lack of information on primary school education.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e The Global Gender Gap Report 2018 by: WEF, (pdf)
  2. a b c d e f GGR, p. 5, Construction of the Index, Point 2. Data truncation at equality benchmark: As a second step, these ratios are truncated at the "equality benchmark". For all indicators, except the two health indicators, this equality benchmark is considered to be 1, meaning equal numbers of women and men.
  3. a b c d e f GGR, p. 42, Country Score Card:… To calculate the Index, all ratios were truncated at the parity benchmark of 1 and thus the highest score possible is 1.
  4. a b c GGR, p. 5, Construction of the Index, Point 2. Data truncation at equality benchmark:… the case of healthy life expectancy the equality benchmark is set at 1.06.
  5. a b c GGR, p. 42, Country Score Card:… and the healthy life expectancy (1.06) indicators.
  6. a b c GGR, p. 5, Construction of the Index, Point 2. Data truncation at equality benchmark:… In the case of sex ratio at birth, the equality benchmark is set at 0.944,
  7. a b c GGR, p. 42, Country Score Card: ... except for the sex ratio at birth (0.944) ...
  8. a b c d e f GGR p. 6; Table 2: Calculation of weights within each subindex
  9. a b c d Figures from the Global Gender Gap Report