Senior attorney

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The Obersachwalt (also: Obersachwald , Latin Procurator Justiciae ) was a senior judicial officer in Swedish Pomerania . He had to supervise the courts and the lawyers and notaries admitted to them and to check compliance with all legal norms in the country. All of the upper and lower courts had to send him registers of the civil and criminal cases processed on a regular basis. He was allowed to carry out all the examinations necessary for his work, which meant, above all, the independent visits to the courts, colleges and offices, and had to be supported by all authorities. Anyone could turn to the lawyer directly if they suspected deviations from the law. He had to investigate all complaints about irregularities and grievances in the judicial system.

The senior attorney could not change any court rulings, but give instructions and punishments for negligence. He had to hand over any grievances to the responsible tax authorities. He was allowed to obtain explanations from the military courts, which were directly under Swedish jurisdiction. He had to report irregularities in the government of Swedish Pomerania or at the Wismar tribunal to the king through the governor-general, to whom he was directly subordinate. Every year he had to report in writing to the Swedish king.

The office of Obersachwalt, which resembled that of the Swedish Chancellor of Justice , was established in 1799 against the resistance of the estates , which were not interested in changes to the patrimonial jurisdiction . It was retained when the Swedish constitution was introduced in Pomerania in 1806 and was co-administered by a government council from 1811.


  • Reinhart Berger : Legal history of the Swedish rule in Western Pomerania. Triltsch, Würzburg 1936, pp. 36–37.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Pawel Gut: Status of the patrimonial jurisdiction in the Prussian province of Pomerania and in Swedish Pomerania at the beginning of the 19th century. In: Nils Jörn, Bernhard Diestelkamp, ​​Kjell Å Modéer (eds.): Integration through law. The Wismar Tribunal (1653-1806). Böhlau, Cologne Weimar 2003, ISBN 978-3-412-18203-8 , pp. 141-142. ( Google books ).
  2. ^ New necrology of the Germans. Thirteenth year, BF Voigt, Weimar 1837, p. 881 ( Google books ).
  3. Reinhart Berger : Legal history of the Swedish rule in Western Pomerania. Triltsch, Würzburg 1936, p. 68.