Obodas III.

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Obodas III. ( Ubaidah ) was from 28 BC BC to 9 BC Chr. King of the Nabataeans . He is the son of his predecessor, King Malichus I.

Although he was worshiped as godlike by the Nabatean people, he is historically considered a weak king. In order to maintain his empire, he cooperated with the superior Romans. The royal court in Petra became increasingly impoverished. His deputy, the Grand Vizier Sylläus , pushed him more and more into the background, so that Sylläus Nabatea ruled almost alone. Under Obodas III. the land registry office was introduced. In the year of his death 9 BC BC , the archaeologists determined an increased coinage, which indicates an economic progress. The tomb of Obodas III. one suspects in Oboda , whose name the city owes to him.


  • Manfred Lindner: Petra and the kingdom of the Nabataeans: habitat, history and culture of an Arab people of antiquity ; Delp, 1997, ISBN 3768901165 , here excerpts online at books.google.de

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